Herb Livsey
Teaching shooting:
x The quality of the shot depends on the quality of the feet.
x Always have a touch spot and shot spot. This forces players to be moving into
their shot.
x Inside pivot to shoot.
x Catch the ball with your feet.
x Play the game with your legs ready. Slow shooters have to get set. Reggie Miller
always plays with legs ready. Always steps into shot, not jump into shot.
Historically the best shooters have step up shots not jump in.
x Too much stationary shooting in practices.
x Catch and shoot vs. catch and attack:
o Inside pivot if you know you have a shot.
o Permanent pivot foot if you are attacking 1on 1
Using legs in your shot - Dirk Nowitzki takes 50 shots a day before practice by picking
the ball up off the floor. This drill forces you to use your legs.
Slow shooters have two problems:
x Trail foot is too far behind the pivot foot when catching too shoot
x Knees are not bent so the player has to generate power by dipping after the catch or
twisting and turning upper body.
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