Powering The Drill Zone

Saturday, June 18, 2011

80 BLOB's and SLOB's

Here are some out of bounds plays for you to check out.

The first 10 are plays that I have found online and like. The second link is a file of 70 out of bounds plays that I was able to find online.

10 BLOB's

70 Out of Bounds Plays

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Transition Drill

Here is a drill that I've seen a lot of coaches do. We put it in this summer and it's been a good addition so far.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

4 Phases of Learning

Todd Lickliter

4 Phases to learning
Unconsciously Incompetent No clue what they are doing or what coach wants
Consciously incompetent Short of execution
Consciously Competent Understand what you want, some execution
Unconsciously Competent Execution without thinking, comes naturally

Monday, June 6, 2011

4 Hi Jet

1 on 2

For our summer work we are doing a lot of small group work with 1 on 1 or 3 on 3 stuff. Here is a drill that I have found and started using when we have 3 guys at a basket.

Player with the ball has to beat the on ball defender and try to score against help rotating from the middle. It's a nice drill and gives our players a look that we don't work on a lot during the regular season.

We also have been using our new scoring system with this drill
Any attempted layup = 2
Any other shot is worth regular points when made.
So if they make a layup it's actually worth 4 points.

We went to this scoring system to really focus our kids on getting to the rim. One thing that I have noticed is that kids all of a sudden know what a layup is and what is a weak floater or fade away finish. It's been a great scoring system for us this summer and thought I would share it with you guys.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Euro Play

I was going through some euro playbooks and thought I would share this play that I found. If your willing to put in some time and research there are a lot of good Euro web sites out there that share a lot of great quick hitters.

Friday, June 3, 2011

4 on 4 Shell Drill

With this drill we use our basic 4 on 4 shell look. We are anticipating a lot of teams at the high school level moving towards ball screens for quick hitters or continuity offenses where they are setting multiple ball screens. This drill allows us to work on defending them very quickly in practice.